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Body by OTL
Gym Membership
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$39.99 per month - minimum 3 month commitment

Our canine friends -puppies & seniors alike - can benefit from a stretching and strengthening program. It can build and maintain muscle mass, improve body awareness and balance, and provide a physical and mental workout. This membership program designed to expose your dog to different activities while having FUN!

-3 half hour sessions per month, we will cover all three areas monthly (Cardio, Balance/Core/Conditioning, Agility)

-Available to Daycare Dogs and Boarding Guests

-Gym membership activities are included in the Petey’s Pals Program

-Photo journey of your pup's progress

-Text message progress report

Sessions will start with stretching & warm up exercises, including: Play bow, Paws on chair, Cookies at the hip & Tug.

After warm up, we'll focus on one area below for each of the three sessions during the month.


-Treadmill Session

-Long lead walk/run

-Brisk walk -Run


Balance, Core Work, Conditioning

-Balance Pods

-Pup Push Ups

-Donut & Peanut Balance Equipment

-Klimb Equipment

-Wobble Board

-Training Platforms


-Weave Poles

-Balance Platforms

-Standard Jumps

-Tunnel Time!

-Step Stool Stroll

How do I sign up?

-Sign up via the OTL App, text, or email

-Let us know by the 1st of the month and we’ll be sure to get you enrolled in the club

Additional Info:

We will be using our treats for the program but if your pup has allergies, let us know and we can ensure we use the correct treats!

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